If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.

Not explicitly

Thrive Series: Team Toolkit: Psychologically Healthy Workplaces

This toolkit from the Canada School of Public Service includes practical aids and videos to help address each of the...

Have THAT Talk (About Substance Use Health) 

A web-based video (and worksheet) that addresses substance use and shows how to help a friend or colleague living with...

REWIND Communication Tool 

This one-hour workshop focuses on resident physician mistreatment in medical learning. It includes a demonstration of the REWIND communication tool...

Health and Wellbeing Conversations 

An article on ways to implement regular conversations about health and well-being between line managers/supervisors and staff. Such conversations give...

Psychological Health and Safety Toolkit for Pharmacy Leaders

A practical tool focused on operationalizing psychological health and safety in pharmacy practice. It also addresses psychosocial factors that can...

Twelve Tips for Teaching Implicit Bias Recognition and Management in Medical Education 

A paper on teaching implicit bias recognition and management in medical education. Its 12 tips include practical guidance on integrating...

Wobble Room 

An article that describes how “wobble rooms” have been used to help health-care workers unwind and connect. Open 24-7, such...

Reflections on the Mentor-Mentee Relationship 

A paper offering insight into the benefits of successful mentoring relationships. It includes advice on how to choose the right...

Flattened Hierarchy Model 

This article describes the flattened hierarchy staffing model, which offers an alternative to traditional hierarchies in hospital settings. The model...

Wellness-Centered Leadership  

This resource summarizes the mindset, behaviours, and outcomes of the for the three elements of the wellness-centered leadership (WCL) model:...
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