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Not explicitly

PGME Information Sheet: Hidden Curriculum

An information sheet with an overview of the hidden curriculum, including its distinctions from the formal curriculum, its impacts and...

Exploring Hidden Curricula in an Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Simulation

An interprofessional simulation, with 194 students in undergraduate and professional programs from seven health-care professions, that seeks to determine if...

Crucial Conversations: An Interprofessional Learning Opportunity for Senior Healthcare Students

This article evaluates Crucial Conversations as a learning method for fostering interprofessional collaboration in pre-licensure senior health-care students and empowering...

‘Get the DNR’: Residents’ Perceptions of Goals of Care Conversations Before and After an E-Learning Module

An article exploring residents’ experiences with an online learning module that teaches a patient-centred approach to goals-of-care conversations. It also...

Hidden Curricula, Ethics, and Professionalism: Optimizing Clinical Learning Environments in Becoming and Being a Physician: A Position Paper of the American College of Physicians

This position paper presents strategies for revealing and transforming hidden curricula to foster the development of lifelong learners who are...

A Qualitative Study of Medical Students’ Perspectives on a Clinically-Based Interprofessional Shadowing Course

This study investigates the perceptions, experiences, and reflections of medical students who took a course that had them shadow six...

How to Use Improv to Help Interprofessional Students Respond to Status and Hierarchy in Clinical Practice

This article describes how improv exercises can help participants recognize their responses to status and how this awareness can improve...

Re-Envisioning ‘About, From, and With’: Thoughts About the Future of Interprofessional Health Education and Practice

This presentation explores interprofessional culture and its pedagogical priorities. It discusses the crucial need to address inequities, power dynamics, and...

Top Ten Best Practices for Interprofessional Precepting

This article provides 10 best practices for interprofessional precepting, based on experiences in interprofessional education and evidence from the literature.

The Hidden Curriculum: A Good Thing?

An article exploring the messages conveyed to health-care providers in a local facility, where participants shared their lived experiences with...

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