If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.


Supporting Our Staff: A Toolkit to Promote Cultures of Civility and Respect

A practical, interactive toolkit developed by the U.K.’s National Health Service to create positive working environments that are kind, compassionate,...

Working Differently Together: Progressing a One Workforce Approach

A step-by-step guide on the effective implementation of teams whose members are from a range of health and social care...

Long-Term Care Best Practices Toolkit

This toolkit provides staff, nurses, educators, and leaders with evidence-based resources and tools. Its ‘healthy work environment topics and associated...

The Canadian Medical Protective Association: Leadership Essentials

An article with key information on psychological safety and its benefits, psychologically safe environments, and three steps to achieving psychological...

The Canadian Medical Protective Association: Situational Awareness

A learning material with information on situational awareness and ways to foster a culture of support. It also includes practice...

Leaders Supporting Leaders

An article that examines the role of leaders in building resilience and psychologically healthy and safe workplaces. It proposes eight...

Time bank/time-banking system

An article proposing several ways to rectify long-standing organizational and personal challenges for women physicians, identify current gaps in knowledge,...

Wellbeing Guardians

An introduction to the concept and role of a “well-being guardian” in health-care organizations. Well-being guardians can contribute to the...

Office of Professionalism

This article describes the development and implementation of wellness initiatives in a large academic mental health hospital. This office of...

Holistic Transcendental Leadership Model

An article that presents a leadership model to enhance innovation and creativity in health care. It emphasizes the physical, emotional,...
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