If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.

Specific to healthcare


An anonymous and confidential online survey tool to help workers and managers assess psychosocial hazards in their workplace. After completing...

Strength in Caring: An Interprofessional Innovation to Cultivate Organizational Wellness 

A presentation on using interventions to build engagement and promote departmental resilience and psychological safety among physicians and advanced practice...

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue: Healthcare

This course teaches nine powerful skills for working through disagreements and concerns in health-care settings to achieve better outcomes for...

Culture Change Toolbox

A guide that outlines steps for changing culture in health care: engaging people, laying foundations, assessing the current state, identifying...

The Working Mind Healthcare

This training program aims to give health-care workers a number of tools to promote their mental health in the workplace...

Mental Health Structural Stigma in Healthcare eLearning Course

This is a 90-minute online course on how to identify structural stigma related to mental health and substance use (MHSU)...

Collaborative Health Education Resources

A website with a wide range of resources and tools to help promote collaborative teaching, learning, and practice for educators...

Virtual Simulations to Confront Racism and Bias in Health Professions Education 

This educational series helps participants confront racism and bias when they occur. Using best practices and a social justice simulation,...

REWIND Communication Tool 

This one-hour workshop focuses on resident physician mistreatment in medical learning. It includes a demonstration of the REWIND communication tool...

Health and Wellbeing Conversations 

An article on ways to implement regular conversations about health and well-being between line managers/supervisors and staff. Such conversations give...
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