If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.



An anonymous and confidential online survey tool to help workers and managers assess psychosocial hazards in their workplace. After completing...

Have THAT Talk (For Workplaces)  

A web page with a series of videos and worksheets on the 13 psychosocial factors defined in the National Standard...

Balint Group 

This web page describes Balint Groups: regular group meetings for health-care professionals that provide a secure space for disclosing and...

Well-being Debriefing 

A facilitator training manual that guides the delivery of informal, peer-facilitated, small-group meetings and gives health-care workers the chance to...

Indigenous Canada

A website that offers a 12-lesson MOOC (massive open online course) for students outside the University of Alberta’s faculty of...

The Working Mind Healthcare

This training program aims to give health-care workers a number of tools to promote their mental health in the workplace...

Have THAT Talk (About Substance Use Health) 

A web-based video (and worksheet) that addresses substance use and shows how to help a friend or colleague living with...

REWIND Communication Tool 

This one-hour workshop focuses on resident physician mistreatment in medical learning. It includes a demonstration of the REWIND communication tool...


A one-hour workshop that raises awareness about the microaggressions faced by medical students and trainees. Included is a focus on...

Twelve Tips for Teaching Implicit Bias Recognition and Management in Medical Education 

A paper on teaching implicit bias recognition and management in medical education. Its 12 tips include practical guidance on integrating...
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